The Most Photographed site in Wisconsin
 and the Midwest

The Dells Mill and Museum
Augusta Wisconsin Celebrates its 161st Year
Home Page of this resurrected site

Gustave Clark, the former family owned mill's proprietor passed away on Sunday, August 24, 2014.

His Obituary can be seen here 

The Mill's future in unknown.  See it soon

 The mill is a Wisconsin historical treasure and national landmark.
Visit the Museum before it fades into history.  See its Wisconsin Historical Marker

Find us on our Wisconsin State Map

Visit this Wisconsin Landmark celebrating its 161st year in 2025.   It is on the national registry of Historic Places

The Dells Mill Museum and Historic Properties
E18855 County Road V Augusta, WI 54722


Viewing is great year round. The mill, 3 miles from Augusta Wisconsin,  is one of the most photographed sites in Wisconsin and the upper mid-west

Stop by during the Winter Months and take time to take a unique photograph of the Mill from the winter ice

The Dells Mill and Museum in Augusta Wisconsin.  Find more information about the Dells Pond, and The Dells Mill School. Great Amish Furniture and Camping in the Augusta WI area, in the Indianhead Country, and the Chippewa Valley in Eau Claire County at

The picture in the background makes a great desktop wallpaper.  Click here for the Best Dells Mill Photo to link to it. The Dells Mill and Museum, in Augusta Wisconsin

See a video motion picture of Dells Mill the Movie on the Augusta Wisconsin. You can see a terrific Dells Mill YouTube Video Clip in time lapse Here

Dells Mill, Museum, Augusta Wisconsin, Osseo, Cadott, Fall Creek, Fair Child, Eau Claire County, Agusta, Black River Falls, Chippewa Valley, Tourism, Amish, Dairyland, Upper Midwest, Dairy Land, Wheat, Oats, Grist, Horse, buggy, Bean and Bacon days, wagon, old time, registry, Westconsin, Wesconsin, Wesconsen, Americana, grist, grinding, wheat, oats, water wheel

The Best Wisconsin Map

Leads to the Wisconsin State Map to the Dells Mill and Museum

Wisconsin Map Thumbnail

Wisconsin Dells Mill Museum  - Click to a Local Map of the Dells Mill area

Additional maps on

Augusta WI Street map

Augusta Wisc Street map with a satellite background

Augusta Wisconsin Recreation Area

The Chippewa Valley in Wisconsin

And an Eau Claire County Map on

Want to know more Wisconsin History?  See the Augusta Wisconsin History Pages.

See the the Augusta Wisconsin High School History.  It was a "pay for education""(tuition: 35 cents to 50 cents per week) school in 1906 and regarded as one of the finest schools in the great State of Wisconsin.